Of course, a healthcare professional who submits a false claim to the government violates the FCA (False Claims Act). In many cases, though, other charges may be levied on the defendant for submitting false claims. These include submitting false records, making false statements, conspiracy, and mail/wire fraud.
Submitting false records could result in civil and criminal liabilities. A New York City physician was recently sentenced to 4 years in federal prison for violating the FCA by creating new false medical records after Medicare denied payments.
Making a false statement is a federal crime when the defendant knowingly and willfully makes a false statement or falsely misrepresents a material fact in an application for payment. A number of New York health care providers have been prosecuted for making false statement. For example, a Manhattan doctor was charged with violating the FCA by listing his name as having supervised physical therapy services at the time he was not even in his office at the time the services were provided.